Directory Disclaimer

The IRCM can confirm the LISTED, REGISTERED, or ACCREDITED directory status of each Coach, Mentor, Formal Education Body, Private Commercial Training Organisation, Professional Body or Commercial Organisation that is found in the IRCM's Directory.

The detail held for each Coach, Mentor, Formal Education Body, Private Commercial Training Organisation, Professional Body or Commercial Organisation was correct at the time of the individual's or organisation's application or renewal.

It is the responsibility of the Individual or Organisation to maintain the detail of their Directory entry. and provide regular updates as necessary.

For this reason, the IRCM cannot guarantee that the information displayed on each record is current and up-to-date, and recommends that the consumer (person enquiring) checks the detail with the relevant Individual or Organisation.  Therefore, the extent to which each consumer may rely on the information displayed to be correct is in the hands of the Coach, Mentor, Formal Education Body, Private Commercial Training Organisation, Professional Body or Commercial Organisation.


Any issues or concerns please complete either the 'register your issues' form
or the 'contact form' in the footer of each page of the website.



Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with the IRCM is in English.