What does the IRCM's Directory provide the Consumer?

The International Regulator of Coaching and Mentoring CIC is the only independent government-approved Regulator for the coaching and mentoring industry.

It is for this reason, the International Regulator of Coaching and Mentoring CIC (IRCM) focuses on helping and supporting consumers* with their due diligence so that they select the right coach and/or mentor, education body, training organisation, and/or Professional Body*.

To provide this help and support to the consumers*, the IRCM has Industry Directories for coaches and/or mentors, education and training, Professional Bodies*, and non-industry related commercial organisations.   The Coaches, Mentors, Education and Training Organisations, and Professional Bodies that are Registered have demonstrated a pride in their industry and its reputation.  Professional Bodies that have been Recognised have their commitment to the industry and its reputation.

Each Coach, Mentor, Education Body, Training Organisation, and Professional Body that is Registered with the IRCM has its own page in the Directory.  This page will provide the Consumers (clients, customers, students, members) with all relevant details.


* The term 'Consumers'  and ‘Professional Body’ is covered by the definitions and descriptions.



Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with the IRCM is in English.