Members Area
Terms and Conditions

The member's area is designed to support each Coach, Mentor, or Organisation that is Registered with/Accredited by the IRCM.

Each article, tool, worksheet, etc. will determine its copyright - either that of the International Regulator of Coaching and Mentoring CIC or its author.  We ask you to respect this copyright as the IRCM and the authors have provided you with access to information that will help you grow and develop personally, professionally, and in your business.

The information found in this members area is designed to assist you in your business; whether it is helping you understand how to run your business, grow your business, or work with your clients in one-on-one sessions, in groups, in teams, or in courses/workshops/seminars, or something else; the information is not intended as a source of advice or any other professional service.

  1. The information is for your use.
    i.e. by one person or in other words a single user license.
  2. You:
    • may use the information, tools, and worksheets in your business, your personal life, and your professional life.
    • may use the information, tools and worksheets with yourself, your clients, your students, or your members.
    • will respect the copyright when you are using the information, tools, and worksheets.
    • have the authority to store, electronically or otherwise, in your computer filing system or as completed information in your personal, professional, and client files.
    • acknowledge and recognise that the information, tools, and worksheets are protected by trademark (where applicable) and copyright legislation.
  3. You may not:
    • give away the information, tools, or worksheets other than to your clients for the benefit of their coaching, mentoring, or training.
    • give your clients, students, or members permission to use this information for the benefit of their consumers.
    • make the information, tools, or worksheets available online as a resource - free or to be charged for.
  4. Social media: you may reference the information, tools, or worksheets, on your social media with the explanation that the details came from the IRCM Members Area.  You may not publish the information, tools, or worksheets on your social media.
  5. Where the information, tools, or worksheets has the copyright of the IRCM,  you may redevelop the information, tools, or worksheets for your own business use.
    • Where the information, tools, or worksheets has someone else's copyright, we suggest you contact that person for permission to redevelop the information, tools, or worksheets for your own business.
  6. By reading, accessing, and using the tools, or worksheets you agree to abide by these terms and conditions, and you acknowledge the purpose for which the Members Area is intended.
    • You agree that if you breach any of these conditions then your access to the Members Area will be revoked.
      It may be restored once an investigation has been completed.
  7. The IRCM and its authors do not accept or undertake any liability to you in connection with your use of, and the information, tools, or worksheets found in the Members Area.
    1. You agree to indemnify the IRCM and its authors in respect of any cost, liability, expense, claim, or loss which the IRCM or one or more of its authors may suffer as a result of any breach of these terms and conditions by you or by anyone for whom you are responsible.

© Copyright 2011 - 2023 International Regulator of Coaching and Mentoring CIC
All Rights Reserved
Version 1; July 2023



Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with the IRCM is in English.