As a consumer, what does the Organisations Directory provide me?
The Organisations Directory provides each Consumer with:
- relevant details of each Professional Body who selects to REGISTER with the IRCM CIC.
- relevant details of each Professional Body who selects to gain ACCREDITATION (independent verification) from the IRCM CIC.
- relevant details of each type of Commercial Organisation that selects to REGISTER with the IRCM CIC.
By Registering or Accrediting with the IRCM CIC, the Organisation demonstrates its commitment to excellence within the coaching and mentoring industry and provides the Consumer with the understanding of which organisations are working within the industry to grow consumer confidence while providing the consumers with the opportunity to complete their due diligence before they select the Organisation to join or work within.
The Organisations Directory will also provide the Consumer with the details of the organisations who are LISTED, and who have not selected to demonstrate their commitment to excellence within the coaching and mentoring industry.
Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with the IRCM CIC is in English.