
ACCREDITED is available to IRCM CIC Registered Professional Bodies and for IRCM CIC Registered Commercial Organisations.
Accreditation for Private Commercial Training Organisations and Coaches and/or Mentors is gained through one or more IRCM CIC Registered/Accredited Professional Bodies, and Formal Education Bodies are authorised through their countries Government Education Department.

Each individual is displayed on the Coaches and/or Mentors Directory under one of the following categories - Registered, or Listed.

Each Education/Training organisation is displayed on the Education Directory under one of the following categories - Registered, or Listed.

Each Professional Body is displayed on the Professional Body Directory under one of the following categories - Accredited, Registered, or Listed.

Each Commercial Organisation is displayed on the Commercial Organisation Directory under one of the following categories - Accredited, Registered, or Listed.


Accredited, Registered or Listed

ACCREDITED is available to IRCM CIC Registered Professional Bodies.
Accreditation for Private Commercial Training Organisations and Coaches and/or Mentors is gained through one or more IRCM CIC Registered/Accredited Professional Bodies, and Formal Education Bodies are authorised through their countries Government Education Department.

Accredited Professional Bodies are those organisations who, through independent verification, are deemed competent to provide a quality service to the Coaches, Mentors, and Private Commercial Training Organisations within the coaching and mentoring industry, and:

  • are currently REGISTERED
  • have submitted their policies, procedures, and processes for an independent in-depth scrutiny.
  • and who have successfully completed the IRCM CIC’s independent verification.

The IRCM CIC Accredited Professional Bodies demonstrate that they through their accreditation/credentialing services; as well as their members have committed to building trust, confidence, and excellence in the coaching and/or mentoring industry through their inclusion on the Directory, and active involvement in the future development of the coaching and mentoring industry.

ACCREDITED is available to IRCM CIC Registered Commercial Organisations.
Accreditation for Private Commercial Training Organisations and Coaches and/or Mentors is gained through one or more IRCM CIC Registered/Accredited Professional Bodies, and Formal Education Bodies are authorised through their countries Government Education Department.

Accredited Commercial Organisations are those organisations who, through independent verification, are deemed competent to provide a quality service in the coaching and mentoring industry, and:

  • are currently REGISTERED
  • have submitted their policies, procedures, and processes for an independent in-depth scrutiny.
  • and who have successfully completed the IRCM CIC’s independent verification.

The IRCM CIC Accredited Commercial Organisations demonstrate that they through their services to the coaching and mentoring industry that they have committed to building trust, confidence, and excellence in the coaching and/or mentoring industry through their inclusion on the Directory, and active involvement in the future development of the coaching and mentoring industry.

Note: The accredited/credentialed (externally verified) column on the Coaches and/or Mentors Directory and the Education Directory for Private Commercial Training Organisations is not an IRCM CIC accreditation/credential but represents:


Coaches and/or Mentors or Private Commercial Training Organisations who have gained an independent and external verification of their competence and excellence with an IRCM CIC Accredited/Registered Professional Body.  Although the IRCM CIC has not verified their competence and excellence directly, it is recognised through the professionalism of the Professional Body.

tickCoaches and/or Mentors or Private Commercial Training Organisations who have gained an independent and external verification of their competence and excellence with a Professional Body who is not IRCM CIC Accredited/Registered.  Therefore their competence and excellence cannot be confirmed by the IRCM CIC.



Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with the IRCM CIC is in English.