International Vision Academy

The International Vision Academy
for Training and Coaching Limited


United Kingdom


A Coaching/ Mentoring Consultancy, with over 20 years of success behind it and hundreds of satisfied clients.

We aim at being ethically correct, always ensuring that the client is our first priority.

We elicit and define clear goals and consult/guide the client to make them happen.

  • English
  • Our organisation agrees to:

    1. abide by the IRCM’s Coaching and Mentoring Code of Industry Standards and Ethics.
    2. include or provide reference to the IRCM’s Coaching and Mentoring Code of Industry Standards and Ethics in our course/workshop material.
  • Our organisation agrees to:

    1. abide by the IRCM’s Coaching and Mentoring Industry Core Competencies.
    2. include or provide reference to the IRCM’s Coaching and Mentoring Industry Core Competencies in our course/workshop material.
  • Our organisation agrees to abide by the IRCM’s Disciplinary Procedures,
    and provide reference to these in all our course/workshop materials.

  • Our organisation recognises the Coaching and Mentoring Industry Ombudsman Service,
    and provide reference to these in all our course/workshop materials.


The International Vision Academy for Training and Coaching Limited

Legal Entity StructurePrivate Limited Company
Company number: 11435412
Previously registered: 10324630

Trading Start Date: 27th June 2018
Previous: 11th August 2016 – 16th January 2018

Registered Office address:
(3rd Floor) 207 Regent Street,
London, W1B 3HH, United Kingdom

Postal address:
Floor 2, Ali Abdulwahab Complex, salem Al-Mubarak Street,
Salmiya, 32098, Kuwait

Currently, all information provided by and correspondence with the IRCM is in English.